The Incontrovertible Power Of Your Mind

Mind Power

Fair warning: this is going to be a bit of a touchy subject for some.

I’ve done quite a bit of research on the power of our minds, both the conscious and subconscious “halves.” What I’ve found is that our minds have dominion over all…that is, we can bring ourselves to do anything we really want to do, provided we believe that we can. If you can wrap your head around the ideas in this post, it will literally change your life. Most people never take responsibility for what they have, but if you make the decision to take responsibility, and take the action steps necessary to change…the possibilities are endless.

Napoleon Hill put it best: “What the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve.” I believe this entirely. I believe that, regardless of the problem a person faces, they can solve it and overcome it with the use of their mind. This includes anything and everything: weight loss, poverty, even depression.

I don’t mean to belittle these problems…I know these and many others are difficult and stressful, but they all have been overcome with the use of the human mind.

There was a study done by Harvard on a group of people who were clinically depressed. Clinically depressed. Rather than taking medicine, these people were instructed to stand in front of a mirror for 20 minutes a day and smile the biggest, goofiest smile they could. By the end of the 8-week study, over 90% of them were no longer depressed.

So this is only one example, but it’s a powerful one. Clinical depression is often something people think is difficult or even impossible to cure, especially in an 8-week period. What happened was that their subconscious mind received these inputs of being happy: smiling. Since our minds don’t know the difference between real and artificial inputs, it accepted that perceived happiness as truth. It believed it was happy, so it was happy.

Now think: what could you accomplish with belief? My answer is, more or less, anything at all. Belief is the most powerful thing you have at your disposal. The question is, are you someone who believes in this power, or are you someone who doubts it and will never learn the things it can bring?

Want to learn how to train your mind and control its thoughts? My book, “Your Subconscious Mind Is Listening” is all about how to do that. As a thank you for reading and/or following, you can have it for free. Just go here and use coupon code “free ebook”


  1. partandparcel2014 · April 3, 2015

    As a Psychology major, I know about the power of the brain, the mind. And thank you for writing about it. This is why it is important to learn how to control our thoughts. Change the way we think for a better life! I will check on the book you mentioned. Have a great day! : )

    Liked by 2 people

    • irrationalliving · April 3, 2015

      Yes, exactly. A change in the way you think can literally change your life forever! I hope you enjoy it. I’ve gotten good feedback so far, so let me know! And thanks, you too 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. partandparcel2014 · April 3, 2015

    Reblogged this on partandparcel2014 and commented:
    Power of the mind. Change our thoughts/attitude and the world around us changes. We all have to learn how to control our thoughts. This may lead to a happier and better life.


  3. controversialcook · April 3, 2015

    That is true: the person is the mind and the mind can do amazing things. Take me as an example, modesty aside :-))The problem is that a lot of people have no brain so how can they do anything with their mind?

    Liked by 1 person

    • irrationalliving · April 3, 2015

      Haha wow, I found a topic we agree on!! Hurray! Haha well I think anyone can turn on their brain, even if they’ve never used it!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. missklowe · April 4, 2015

    This really is so so true. We can honestly do anything as long as we are in the right mindset!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. gyne2009 · April 7, 2015

    Excellent and powerful post! I strive to live each day with a positive mindset and it’s exciting to see my growth and how my attitude helps motivate others to do the same. Thanks again and i look forward towards reading your ebook.

    Liked by 1 person

    • irrationalliving · April 7, 2015

      Thank you very much! That is a great way to live your life. I hope it brings you much happiness 🙂 let me know what you think of it!


  6. Paul Okonji Blog · April 17, 2015

    Mind! a very powerful faculty in the body of man. Misuse it and you are doomed. The mind can take control from the soul and only from the soul…….. big topic.. for another time. Good work. Weldone

    Liked by 1 person

    • irrationalliving · April 17, 2015

      Thanks very much! Yes it’s definitely a huge topic. I need to continue chipping away!


  7. Paul Okonji Blog · April 17, 2015

    Reblogged this on PaulOkonji Blog.


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