On Wealth And Money


Wealth…there’s a highly debated topic. Recently I had someone on YouTube tell me that it was a shame that our society is so obsessed with money, and that success shouldn’t have anything to do with wealth.

And then I thought about that. And I think that’s ridiculous.

Here’s why: first of all, money allows us comfort. Money allows us to live the lives we want, and it lets us provide for our families and give them what they deserve. I agree that it can be used unwisely and selfishly, but…hate the players, not the game (that’s supposed to be the other way around, isn’t it?). I mean, professional baseball players take steroids, but you don’t hate the game because of it if you’ve been a fan all your life. Money allows you to live a good life and do the things you want to do.

Secondly, and this is very much related to the first point, it gives us security. I had a thought the other day…I imagined what it would be like if I had enough money to allow my family to quit their jobs. And then I thought about what it would be like if they could all do what they REALLY wanted to do. People don’t become painters or poets or authors or philosophers or business owners because those careers often lack security, at least in the beginning. And so I am working toward wealth and abundance so I can help the people around me feel secure enough to go after what they really want.

Lastly, money is nothing more than a measuring stick for the service you provide to other people. Earl Nightingale said, “we are paid in exact proportion to the service we render.” People are stingy with money; they don’t just give it away to anyone who walks by. So if they are giving their money to one person in particular, you can bet that that person is providing a product or service to them.

Money isn’t the root of all evil. The lack of money is the root of all evil. As if you needed any more convincing, poverty is closely linked with crime…

So go along in your pursuit of money. As long as your intentions are good and you don’t harm anyone else, money is just another perfectly good part of success. Not the ONLY part, of course, butย I’m sure you know that!


  1. partandparcel2014 · March 31, 2015

    Makes a lot of sense!!!! This is eye opener. Yes we need and love money because in this world we live in we need it to survive and be happy. But just make sure you do no harm to others to get money coz that is greed and evil. I will reblog!

    Liked by 1 person

    • irrationalliving · March 31, 2015

      Thanks so much for the feedback and the reblog. I really appreciate it! Yes I think the key is focusing on service to others, and making sure not to harm anyone ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks again!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. partandparcel2014 · March 31, 2015

    Reblogged this on partandparcel2014 and commented:
    Posted by Irrational Living.
    In this world we are living in, we need money to survive and live happily. That is a reality. As long as you will not deliberately cause harm on anybody just to have money. That is then considered greed and evil. So continue to work hard, save your money, provide for the family, for yourself, for the future.


  3. Raymond · March 31, 2015

    You are right. There is never good in lacking something. That also depends on each individuals’ perspective.
    I myself find that if you can fulfil your daily needs, eat well, sleep well, have a good family, able to buy a house or apartment, can buy the recent mobile phone, anything that doesn’t have to be super luxurious like multibillionaire then that’s enough to make me happy.
    Excessive amount of money we have won’t be good either. It’s all back again to the perspective. Somebody might said that my measurement of wealth is not enough. But this is mine ๐Ÿ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

    • irrationalliving · March 31, 2015

      Awesome. And there is nothing wrong with that at all. Money is just a means for happiness. If someone is actually happy earning $50 a month, I say that’s amazing, and that is definitely success if it fits their definition. If you’re happy with the things you stated, that’s great! Happiness trumps all, I think.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Raymond · March 31, 2015

        Yup and most of my readers choose happiness as well. Nobody choose money when I told them to choose lol It’s just a very simple question http://wp.me/p5LMla-ed I am just curious, what will you choose?

        Liked by 1 person

      • irrationalliving · March 31, 2015

        I would choose wisdom. With wisdom we can learn to get all of the other things!

        Liked by 1 person

      • Raymond · March 31, 2015

        Nice answer ๐Ÿ™‚

        Liked by 1 person

  4. nakedfacedmara · March 31, 2015

    So true. I like to remind people that money, at least in our society (and in most), equals security. Without a sense of security and/or safety, well, I think Abraham Maslow would agree that self-actualization is impossible.

    Liked by 1 person

    • irrationalliving · March 31, 2015

      Yes definitely, I agree! It’s just one part of happiness, but it is definitely a part!


  5. publicinterpretation · March 31, 2015

    I hate to be the pooper out of all of your positive comments towards your opinion of ‘wealth’ and ‘success,’ but I believe this discussion is solely based on ones interpretation of its definition. Wealth/success can be in the categories of health, love, finance etc– where as a person can set a goal and feel truly successful by raising their family well (regardless of being rich or poor), or just maintaining/obtaining a job in their career. Not everyone is paid evenly for their services now-a-days (college students are currently being underpaid and in debt). Like this post regardless!

    Liked by 1 person

    • irrationalliving · April 1, 2015

      No no, I love hearing different opinions! When we hear all different points on the spectrum of the argument we can truly form an opinion of our own. Yes I agree that for the most part. My post was mostly to point out that money is not evil. Some people who don’t have a lot of money look at those who do have a lot with contempt. I just don’t think that’s right, because a lot of people have money and monetary freedom as part of their success and happiness. My favorite definition of success is “the progressive realization of a worthy ideal.” For me, giving myself and my family the freedom to do what they want and not what they feel they have to do for a paycheck is part of my success. And that’s worthy ๐Ÿ™‚ I don’t think it’s any more worthy than getting a 9-5 job if that makes someone else happy. It’s all on an individual basis.
      As far as being paid for service, what service to college students provide? They’re definitely working toward something, toward being able to provide more service, but just studying and accumulating knowledge isn’t really providing service.
      Ok, well thank you so much for providing me with some thought! Really had to consider that ๐Ÿ™‚ I love it.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. publicinterpretation · April 1, 2015

    Kudos for reading me and not being combative! Oh I agree, money has been been ‘evil’ its what we as a society have defined it to be. And I guess it also depends on the profession, like engineers, biochemists, things that you’d actually need an education in to provide service. You’re awesome though, thanks!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. controversialcook · April 1, 2015

    I will agree with you on everything but not on this one. It has been scientifically proved that after the money that allows people to afford the simple necessities of life that amounts to what an average worker earns more money doesn’t add anything to happiness. In my life I’ve known a lot of very rich and very famous people but have never met any of them who was happy because of their money. On the contrary they all had problems because of it. With regard to security all that one needs is enough for a rainy day. Besides the most insecure people in the world are the rich because they are stiff scared to become poor again. The proof is that whenever there is an economic crisis such as there was in the United States in the 30ies many of them committed suicide.

    Liked by 1 person

    • irrationalliving · April 1, 2015

      I don’t think money is what makes people happy. But it is a part of my happiness and many others’, and I just don’t think there’s anything wrong with that. What study was done on added money not leading to more happiness? I also don’t think we’re happy because of money, but the things it allows us to do can make us happy. If you could be financially secure enough to spend a month in Africa building schools alongside the children who need them, that wouldn’t make you happier? I will agree that money doesn’t make everyone happy, but as long as it’s not the only part of your success and happiness plan, I think it’s fine. I definitely think that there needs to be a certain mindset before money won’t change your life for the better. But if I’m happy with what I have already (which I am) and am striving to be better in all areas of my life (including money), in my opinion that improvement will make me happier. I get why people are against the pursuit of money. But if money and financial security makes me happy, I think that’s fine. It’s just another part of happiness, like relationships and health.

      Anyway, thank you for the thought provoking comment! I got a little lengthy in the response. Haha hope you don’t mind. I always welcome criticism, so keep it coming!


      • controversialcook · April 1, 2015

        The study was done by sociologists In Holland. Anyway I don’t believe in happiness because is a fickle feeling that comes and go like the weather, I believe in contentment which means that if one is content with what one has whatever is the amount then is practically steadily and permanently happy ๐Ÿ™‚

        Liked by 1 person

      • irrationalliving · April 1, 2015

        Interesting way to look at it! Have you ever read the Tao Te Ching? It’s a classic Chinese text, and a lot of it is about learning to love what you have and having the ability to be selfless and give up all things in the material world. Really interesting. You should check it out. Also, I suggest listening to Wayne Dyer. I think you might find his talks interesting as well. I think he would agree with you ๐Ÿ™‚


      • controversialcook · April 1, 2015

        Of course I have. I’m a tai chi teacher :-)Anyway you can also look at my other blog mmeme9.com to see who I am among other things… The link is in one of my pages. I will check on Wayne Dyer. Nice interacting with you ๐Ÿ™‚

        Liked by 1 person

      • irrationalliving · April 1, 2015

        Oh awesome! You too, hope to speak with you again!


      • controversialcook · April 1, 2015

        It will be a pleasure. I will gladly follow your posts.

        Liked by 1 person

      • irrationalliving · April 1, 2015

        Yours as well! I just looked at a few of them…they are hysterical!


  8. controversialcook · April 1, 2015

    I will agree with you on everything but not on this one. It has been scientifically proved that after the money that allows people to afford the simple necessities of life that amounts to what an average worker earns more money doesn’t add anything to happiness. In my life I’ve known a lot of very rich and very famous people but have never met any of them who was happy because of their money. On the contrary they all had problems because of it. With regard to security all that one needs is enough for a rainy day. Besides the most insecure people in the world are the rich because they are stiff scared to become poor again. The proof is that whenever there is an economic crisis such as there was in the United States in the 30ies many of them committed suicide.


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